Project: Exotic Nuclear Structure and Dynamics Relevant for Nuclear Astrophysics Project Manager: Prof. Dr. Alexandrina Petrovici Results: - published articles:
1. Gamow-Teller Beta decay of 74Kr in a self-consistent approach,
A. Petrovici, K.W. Schmid, O. Radu and Amand Faessler, Nucl. Phys. A 799 (2008) 94
2. Beyond Mean Field Description of the Gamow-Teller Beta-Decay of Proton-Rich Kr
A. Petrovici, AIP Conference Proceedings 972 (2008) 61
3.Gamow-Teller beta decay of proton-rich Kr isotopes in a self-consistent approach,
A. Petrovici, Nucl. Phys. A 805 (2008) 397
4. Self-Consistent Approach to the Gamow-Teller Beta Decay of 72Kr,
A. Petrovici, K.W. Schmid, O.Radu and A. Faessler, Phys. Rev. C 78 (2008) 044315
5. Self-consistent description of exotic structure and decay near the N=Z line,
A. Petrovici, Int. Journal of Modern Physics E, Vol.17, Supplement (2008) 219
6. Variational approach to the Gamow-Teller beta decay of the rp-process waiting point
nucleus 68Se going beyond mean field calculations,
A. Petrovici, K. W. Schmid, O. Andrei, and A. Faessler, Phys. Rev. C 80 (2009) 044319
7. Self-Consistent Description of Coexistence Phenomena in Medium Mass Nuclei,
A.Petrovici, J.Phys.G:Nucl. Part. Phys., 37 (2010) 064036
- talks:
1.Self-Consistent Approach to the Gamow-Teller Beta Decay of Proton-Rich Kr Isotopes,
A. Petrovici, invited talk at the INT-07-3 Program: Nuclear Many-body Approaches for
the 21st Century, INT-Seattle, University of Washington, USA, September 24 -
November 30, 2007, online at:
2. Self-Consistent Approach to the Beta Decay of Exotic Nuclei,
A. Petrovici, invited talk at the Annual NuSTAR Meeting, January 30 - February 01,
2008, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany, online at:
3. Complex EXCITED VAMPIR beyond mean-field approach with symmetry
projection before variation for nuclear structure and its way to perform chains of
symmetry projected calculations,
A. Petrovici, invited talk at the Cross-fertilization between Shell-Model and Energy
Density Functional methods workshop, 7-10 April 2008, Paris-Saclay, on line at:
4. Self-Consistent Description of Exotic Structure and Decay near the N=Z Line,
A. Petrovici, invited talk at the International Workshop on Nuclear Structure Physics,
Shanghai, China, June 1-7, 2008, online at:
5. Self-Consistent Description of Exotic Structure and Decay near the N=Z Line in the A~70
Mass Region,
A. Petrovici, seminar given at ISOLDE -CERN, 29 September 2008, online at:
6. Complex EXCITED VAMPIR - beyond Mean-Field Approach with Symmetry Projection
before Variation for Nuclear Structure,
A. Petrovici, seminar given at ISOLDE -CERN, 30 September 2008, online at:
8. Exotic structure and decay relevant for nuclear astrophysics
A. Petrovici, talk at the 3rd International Conference on COllective Motion in Nuclei under
EXtreme Conditions (COMEX 3), Mission Point Resort on Mackinac Island in Michigan,
United States, June 2-5, 2009
9. Beyond mean-field approach to exotic nuclear structure and decays
A. Petrovici, seminar given at INFN-LNL, Legnaro, Italy, 03 September 2009
10. A. Petrovici - invited talk, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2010,-Exotic Nuclei
and Nuclear/Particle Astrophysics (III) From Nuclei to Stars , Sinaia, 20 iunie-3 iulie
11. A. Petrovici-contributed talk, International Nuclear Physics Conference INPC2010-
Vancouver, Canada,4-9 iulie 2010
12. A. Petrovici-talk, Erice School/Workshop on Nuclear Physics - Particle and Nuclear
Astrophysics, , Erice, Italia, 16-24 septembrie
- PhD Thesis: Coexistence phenomena in medium mass nuclei, O.Radu (Andrei), PhD Supervisor:
Prof.Dr. Alexandrina Petrovici, Bucharest University, 20.05.2009 (Summa cum laude)