xrootd packages

You may download the xrootd packages I've made here. Binaries are available for Fedora Core 6 (x86_64), Fedora Core 8 (x86_64 and i386) and Scientific Linux 4.6 (i386). The source rpm is also available.

WARNING! Before installing this packages, please read this page carefully, it contains an important issue to be understood before installing.

Full xrootd is splitted in few packages as follows:

Precautions regarding the installation of xrootd-servers: this package create at install time a new user, called "xrd" and a new group, also called "xrd". For both user and group the package use a fixed uid/gid, 79. You should check, before installing this package, that this user/group is not already present on your system, for example with:

getent passwd | grep 79
getent passwd | grep xrd
getent group | grep 79
getent group | grep xrd

If 79 uid/gid or "xrd" are already used, you may rebuild the rpms. The numeric uid/gid may be easily changed in the spec file (first 2 lines). "xrd" is a little bit harder to change, as it is hardcoded (in %attr directives from servers %files section).

Startup scripts are provided for xrootd, cmsd and olbd (actually, there is only one script, the other two are symlinks to it). By default, the servers are started as user xrd. This behavior may be changed by specifying XRD_USER in /etc/sysconfig/xrd. This sysconfig file is used by all three servers. The default config file used by the servers is /etc/xrd/xrd.conf .

Also, the config file may be changed in /etc/sysconfig/xrd, variable XRD_CONFIGFILE.

The contents of the default /etc/xrd/xrd.conf is not useful (exports /tmp), you should make one adequate to your purposes.

The startup script support the "named instances" feature of xrootd. The default configuration does not use instances. In order to use instances, first declare them in /etc/sysconfig/xrd like:

XRD_INSTANCES_xrootd="master server1 instance2"

This declares 3 instances for xrootd: "master" "server1" and "instance2".

For cmsd and olbd you should use XRD_INSTANCES_cmsd and XRD_INSTANCES_olbd.

Then you may start, stop, etc. a particular instance by:

/etc/rc.d/init.d/xrootd start <instance>

When instances are declared in /etc/sysconfig/xrd, starting, stopping, etc. services without specifying an instance results in performing that action for all the declared instances. Of course, at system bootup/shutdown, all the instances will be started/stopped (of course, if you added the service to the list of services to be started automatically).

All instances (and all 3 services) are using the same config file, in the spirit of xrootd. You should take care to use different ports for different services and instances, for example by using "if named ..." and "if exec ..." configuration directives.

Sometimes it might be necessary to set some environment variables before starting the services. The startup script support this feature. If you are not using instances and want to set VAR=value for (say) xrootd, put the line

export VAR=value

in /etc/xrd/env.xrootd . If you are using instances, use the file /etc/xrd/env.xrootd.<instance> instead.

Packages for tokenauthz authorization library, xrootd-tokenauthzofs and xrootd-aggregatingname2name are also provided. Note that xrootd-tokenauthzofs install some files with "xrd" group. This packages are not required in order to have a working xrootd. They are required when you want to setup a SE for ALICE VO. Note that ALICE VO have an officially supported mechanism to install a SE, which also produce the required configuration. It is probably easier for you to use it.

Claudiu Schiaua ( schiaua#at#nipne.ro )